Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sin and Salvation - Chapter 1, Lesson 1

Chapter 1 - Lesson 1 - The Original Story
1. What was creation like in the beginning? Gen. 1
v. 10________________________________________
v. 12________________________________________
v. 18________________________________________
v. 21________________________________________
v. 25________________________________________

2. How many commands did God give Adam and Eve? Gen.2:17

3. What was God's command to the first human beings? Ge. 2:16-17

Read Genesis 3:1-13 to find out what happened next.

4. How did Adam and Eve respond to God's command? Gen. 3:6-7

5. In light of this, do you think you would have responded any differently?

Think about what God attempted to shield Adam and Eve from: the knowledge of evil. What loving parents today don't do everything possible to protect their children from dangerous material-on television, on the internet or anywhere else?

6. Who tempted Eve? Gen. 3:1

Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit--in essence saying to God , "We don't need you or your rules." They disobeyed God. They sinned.

7. How did Adam and Eve react after their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked? Gen. 3
v. 7____________________________________________
v. 8____________________________________________
v. 10____________________________________________

8. Why do you think they reacted this way?

9. How did God respond to Adam and Eve's sin? Gen. 3:8-9

Notice two very different responses to humanity's sin:
- Humanity covered up and hid from God
- God sought humanity

Things have not changed much since the beginning. After thousands of years and billions of people, human beings still hide from God -- and God still seeks. This is the starting point for understanding salvation.

Application and Reflection
What did you learn from this lesson? How will you apply it to your life?